Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Home Is Where God Is Part Two

            At the end of my fifth grade year in 2006, my father's job transferred him to Charlotte, North Carolina. It was exciting news and scary news at the same time. Exciting because we were finally going to be moving out of the tiny little motel room we had been staying in for the last few years and we were moving to a state where the cost of living was much cheaper. It was still scary simply because it was the unknown. Though I was ready to move on from the motel, the motel was still something I was used to, something familiar. Also I had made friends in school, friends I'd known since I was a very young child; and I had family that lived in NY. Without even realizing it I had fallen into a comfort zone.
           I believe it was in the spring of 2006, before school was out, my parents and I took a trip to NC to begin looking for houses. A house!, a real house! I hadn't lived in one of those since I was four years old, you can probably imagine that my fear of the unknown and leaving NY quickly melted away as I realized that we were going to be able to buy a home! Well buy a home we did, and when summer came and I graduated from the fifth grade, I said my goodbyes to my friends and my see you laters to my brothers. My oldest brother went overseas having finished college, and my other brother was staying behind in NY to go to college. Everything was perfect! I was going to live in a home, (a three bedroom, two bathroom home; I got to have my own bathroom!! :)), and I was going to be a middle schooler, (I felt like a big kid haha).
            We settled into our new home, though we had no furniture I didn't care; I was sleeping on the floor in my own home! I registered for school as a sixth grader, and I signed up to ride the bus. Life was so exciting, I was living in a house, and I was riding the bus,(I had never ridden a school bus before).
           That school year flew by! Though I didn't really like the set up of the school itself and some of the teachers weren't that good, (which I"ll talk more about in part three), I did enjoy the new friends that I had made.
           Well it was the year 2007, and I came home from my last day of school, and I sat down to discuss my day with my mom, (my dad was still at work), she listened to me talk about my last day attentively, but something seemed a little off. She took a deep breath, and she told me that we had lost our house to foreclosure. Initially I was devastated. I couldn't believe what I had just heard; the house we were so excited to be moving into a year earlier, was now the house that we had to now hastily move out of. What made it even more devastating was the look on my mom's face when she told me; she wasn't sad for herself that we lost the house, she was sad for me because she knew how much it meant to me to live in one.
             Amazingly, the initial devastation I felt was gone in a matter of minutes; I didn't know it then but the peace of the Lord is what came upon me. I said to my mom that it was alright that we lost the house, and that instead of trying to get it back or get a new house, we should look into getting an apartment. She was so excited that I, (after a few minues), took the news so well; and she liked the idea about moving into an apartment, my dad liked it too. So, (maybe a week later? I don't exactly remember), we got a moving truck and began loading up our belongings,(which was mainly just clothes because that whole year we never had any furniture), and we put them in storage.
               We didn't have enough money yet for a deposit so we had to wait for the tax income check to come,(which amazingly hadn't come yet even though it was already summertime). So in June of 2007 we went to stay in a motel until the check came, then we could apply for an apartment. We thought that we would only be there for a week or so; we were wrong.
               Come back tomorrow for the final part of Home Is Where God Is to find out how (and when) we left the motel in NC, how I became homeschooled, and when I left NC.

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