Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Home Is Where God Is Part Three

             In June 2007 my parents and I went to stay in a motel in NC with the intentions on only staying there for a week or so until the income tax check came. That week however quickly turned into a month, and one month quickly turned into two. I was worried that we were going to still be in that motel when school started up again, but my mom reassured me that everything would work out fine and that we just needed to trust in God; He had everything already worked out. That summer in the motel in NC was truly a great one for me and my mom. While my dad went to work everyday, it would just be me and my mom together; we really bonded and grew so close, it just being the two of us together all day.
               The check finally came in August of 2007, and we were then able to, (miraculously), put a deposit on an apartment. We moved in about a week before the start of school, and so I was on my way for my seventh grade year. This apartment is where we would live for the remainder of our stay in NC,(which would be three years).
                  I went to public school my seventh grade year,(it was the same school that I went to my sixth grade year). Though the facilities were nice the teachers and the make up of the school were not good. The teachers were not caring, and gasp, some of the teachers would curse at the students. I even went the first three months of school without a math teacher. The hours were also incredibly long; I would leave my house at 7:30 a.m. to get on the school bus, and not get home until 4:30 or 5:00 p.m.). Taking into account all of these things my mom prayed about what we should do about my school future.
                   The Lord answered her by telling her to remove me from school. (At the time we didn't know that I would be completely removed from school period, we just thought that I was going to leave that school and that the Lord would open up a way for me to go to another, better public school.) I finsihed out my seventh grade year of school and I said goodbye to all of my friends; little did I know that I would never step foot in any school ever again.
                   We prayed and asked the Lord for guidance on what to do about my education; He revealed to my mom to take the route of homesschooling. Now at first I was not pleased with this. Firstly, although I didn't love That school, I really did love school and I loved to learn; I was an honor student always at the top of my grade for goodness sake! :) Secondly, I didn't want to become one of "those" kids; you know those strange, lonely homeschool kids.
                  What I decided to do was convince myself that I would only be homeschooled until the Lord revealed to us a "good" school. So, when the work came in the mail, I was excited to have some new curriculum to do; I love to learn and work so I was so happy to have some work to do. ( My family have lovingly dubbed me our scholar :)) So for the next two and a half years I went through the motions of homeschooling,(I really did like it though, but a small part of me, in the back of my brian held on to the hope that I would someday go back to school). It wasn't until I was 15 that I truly let it go, and I was so glad and thankful that I did.
                    Fifteen is the age that I let go of bitterness, and anger that I didn't even know that I had. Fifteen is the age that I realized that I didn't have my own personal relationship with God, instead I was piggy-backing off of my mother's relationship with Him. Fifteen is the age where I started reading my Bible for myself and developing my own relationship with God because I wanted to, not because my mom or anyone else wanted me to. Fifteen is the age where I really started to change and grow, and really truly love homeschooling; and this is when I realized that I wanted to homeschool my own childen in the future. Fifteen is the age where manifestations of change started happening in my life, but these changes really started when I was tweleve years old, and my mother followed the Lord's instructions to homeschool me. Homeschooling was the catalyst to my growth in God. Without the outside "noise" of the world in school, God was really able to work on my heart, and uproot all the negative things that bad influences in school put there, thus He was able to really begin pouring into me without interference.
                        So after spending five years in NC, the Spirit began leading us away from the state. At first we didn't know where, but later it was revealed to us to go to Texas. We couldn't believe it, none of us had ever been there, and we had no family or friends there. But we went out on faith, and in 2011,(I was 15), my mother, oldest brother, and myself, (sadly my parents didn't stay togehter and my father stayed in NC), came to TX, and we've been here ever since. We have witnessed so many blessings and miracles that the Lord has done for us these two years that we've been in TX, (all He has done for us here in TX needs its own blog post!). It was truly His plan for us to be here.
                          It is now 2013,( I am now 17), and I am so blessed and thankful for everything that God has allowed me to go through! He has kept me and my family safe and healthy, and He has revealed to all of us His grace, mercy, and love. We all know that no matter where we are or what we are going through, we are home if God is there. :)

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading your blog everyday.... continue to do what you are doing and rest in Gods divine love.. I believe that your messages of peace , endurance and Godly love will surely bless someone.
